This Massachusetts Site is Considered a “Gateway To Another Dimension”
Do you triple-dog dare me to go to the “Gateway to Another Dimension” to see what happens? If you just said “yes,” it doesn’t really matter. I’m not messing with multi-dimensional travel, thanks.
Spider Gates Cemetery was established in Leicester, Massachusetts (bonus points for my favorite town spelling in Mass) way back in 1740 by the Quakers. The name of the cemetery is fitting considering the lore that surrounds it.
For starters, the cemetery is pushed back from the road. You have to cross a little stream to get there. Crossing this stream may transport you to another dimension according to spooky reports. Do you really want to mess with a 1700’s graveyard whose GATE even has a creepy name: “The Eighth Gate to Hell.”(?) Not me!
Visitors say they’ve experienced an array of paranormal activities: ghostly sightings, unexplainable noises and even evidence of satanic rituals conducted on the stone “altar” at the graveyard.
And the hottest tip from ghost hunters who have visited? If you leave coins on Marmaduke Earle’s gravesite, you may get a conversation with the departed. I haven’t heard if the spirits have started taking VENMO or not yet but I’ll go with probably not. Specters aren’t fans of technology.
Want an address so you can GPS your way to some blood-curling screams and a possible trip to an evil dimension?
Sure (you’re cuckoo but I don’t judge):
15 Earle St
Speaking of haunted places in New England, let’s shift gears from the REAL haunts to the less real but still REAL scary haunts. These are the 7 scariest haunted houses in New England. Some might be a lengthy road trip but if you’re a scare or thrill fanatic, the tank of gas to get there might be worth it.
Alright boys and ghouls, let’s go get scared!