Massachusetts Workers Have 4th Longest Commute in the US
It’s the bane of my existence: my 54 minute (with no traffic) commute. As Massholes (don’t get mad, it’s in the Oxford Dictionary!), we deal with draggy, draggy traffic on the regular. And new data just declared that we actually have the 4th longest commute in the US in the Bay State. So I guess our traffic anger is vindicated? lol
The U.S. Bureau of the Census shared the info from the U.S. Department of Energy. It shows that the average commute in America is exactly half of my personal commute – 27 minutes. That’s a little longer than I’d assume the average of the entire country would be. Then again, I lived in Texas for a couple years and let me tell you – NOTHING is close there.
Who has the longest commute in the US?
That would be New York. The calmer upstate variety of New York was probably counterbalanced by the wild, wild, traffic life of NYC. The average commute time in the state of New York is 33.2 minutes, surprisingly not that much higher than the national average (and a proverbial cakewalk versus my daily agony here in Massachusetts). Maryland and New Jersey both had average commute times that exceeded 30 minutes as well – those are your #2 and #3 longest commutes.
While Massachusetts doesn’t have the longest commute in the US we’re not too far off at #4. The average work commute here comes in at 29.4 minutes. And that’s 29.4 minutes that moves slower than molasses in January. Los Angeles traffic gets a ton of attention, however California finished at #6.
As for the states with the best, shortest commutes? The Dakotas win there. Both North and South Dakota have commute times that average under 18 minutes. Every other state in the country is higher than that.
Hey! While we’re talking about annoying traffic time in Massachusetts, let’s keep this ball of ugggg rollin’ with…
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5 Most Infuriating Massachusetts Driving Pet Peeves
If I asked you which US state has the worst drivers, what would you say? I bet you either just said New York or Massachusetts, didn’t you? Meanwhile THIS study by FLT Law says that New Mexico has the worst drivers and Massachusetts doesn’t even make the Top 10!! Still, we in the Bay State regularly make many “worst driver” lists every year too. So what makes Mass drivers so annoying? We went right to the source and asked Massachusetts drivers what their biggest pet peeves about Massachusetts drivers are and the top results can be found below.
Some Massachusetts Driving Pet Peeves that just missed the Top 5…
Oh my gosh I could write a book just based off my own frustrations. But this isn’t about me. Breathe. Ok, I’m good. Some recurring answers we got from Massachusetts drivers when we asked what annoyed them about other fellow Massachusetts drivers included:
“When you go to pass them and suddenly they wake up, slam the gas, and race you to the death.” (Paraphrasing.)
“When they’re parked at the pump… and they’re not even there for gas!”
“Tailgating, tailgating, tailgating!!”
“People that start creeping forward at a red light until they’re practically in the intersection, only to drive slow AF once it actually turns green.”
“Not accelerating up the on-ramp. You’re left trying to merge at 45 miles an hour.”
“People who cut you off. Even worse: people who cut you off then immediately hit the breaks!”
“Traffic.” (Enough said. lol)
And these are only some of the Massachusetts Driving Pet Peeves that didn’t make the Top 5 most mentioned! We’ll get to those now. By the way, I’d love to continue finessing this list so if you have any Massachusetts driving pet peeves to add to our lists, please do! DM me on Instagram @jacksonblueshow – I look forward to hearing your angst! 🙂
Jackson Blue has been on Boston airwaves for over 20 years. He is a foodie family person with a passion for having fun forever. Jackson likes to write about food, restaurants, Massachusetts and Boston happenings.