There’s No Reason To Put On The Air Conditioning If It’s Less Than 90 Degrees
Cade is arguing with his wife because she wants him to put the air conditioning in. He feels like if its less than 90 degrees in the house there’s no need, but she insists it should be 72. He doesn’t want to pay the crazy electric bill but she think’s he’s just being cheap

Here’s Cade’s E-mail About His Air Conditioning War With His Wife
Hey guys I have a panic Button topic for you.
I’m freaking out because my wife is gaslighting me with the air conditioning. We argue all the time over when to turn it on. I say unless it’s 90 degrees outside the AC is off. We don’t need to forgo our summer vacation because we spent it all on our electricity bill.

She works from home so she has control over it and when I come home the house is FREEZING! She swears she isn’t turning it on but I know she has to be. I would be less angry if she would just admit but she refuses. Also the electricity bill is in her name so I’ll never know if she is turning it on or not.
I know this is petty but it’s driving me crazy. I thought about coming home on my lunch break to try to catch her running it but she can track me through my phone. How do I prove she’s been running it?!

What Do You Guys Think?
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