My Brother In Law Used Sunscreen But Still Ended Up In The Emergency Room
Like thousands of other people, my brother in law went to the beach on July 4th. He’s one of those guys that has really fair, sensitive skin and since I’ve known him he’s always been deliberate in his skin care routine. That day he put on a hat to cover his face. He sat under an umbrella most of the day. He stayed hydrated with water. And he put on sunblock. But, he still landed himself in the hospital with sun poisoning. So, how did this happen? How did a man who did everything right still end up in the emergency room?
Sun poisoning is a severe sunburn that occurs when someone is exposed to the UV rays for a long time without protection. Symptoms can appear within a few hours and include skin inflammation, blisters, headache, nausea, dehydration, fever, dizziness, upset stomach and confusion. And boy was he confused. He was confused because like I said, he thought he did everything right.
My brother in law spent roughly 5 hours at the beach. He spent his time reading, sitting in the chair, walking along the water, and enjoying a kid-free day with his wife. However, when he got home, that’s when things turned for the worse.
Here were some of his symptoms. His skin began turning red, and it was blistering and bubbling. If you’ve ever had a sunburn, it wasn’t like that. It didn’t look like a normal sunburn. It looked like a lot of little bubbles protruding from his arms. Then began the chills. My brother in law was shivering and felt like he couldn’t get warm. Kind of ironic, right? By definition, the sun is supposed to warm you, but too much of it causes people to feel chilly.
He’s a tough guy. He didn’t want to go to the emergency room. But he also has a familial history with skin cancer. His father was diagnosed with skin cancer just a few years ago. My brother in law didn’t want to risk it.
At the emergency room he was given some IV fluids to help with the dehydration. He was released and the incredible pain from the sunburn eventually went away. So did the chills.
What caused this?
Expired sunscreen caused my brother in law to go to the hospital. It was a brand of sunscreen they’ve aways used. And in the past he’s had no trouble with it whatsoever. But the sunscreen was a year old and when applied onto his body, it wasn’t “fresh” enough so the application on his body was streaky.
Let this be a cautionary tale to those who apply expired sunscreen on themselves or their children. Don’t do it. Just go the store and get a new tube. Your body and wallet will thank you for it!