Do you love Ask Ayla Brown? We do it every morning on Country 102.5. Each day someone calls in to ask Ayla her advice on something going on in their life and we open it up to you to decide what they should do…. Or sometimes just judge them for what they’ve already done. Listen live every day starting at 7AM to hear the day’s caller and check out Ayla’s take on their situation. Then you can call at 888-819-1025, or use our new text line at the same number to weigh in yourself as well. If you miss that, you can always vote on our twitter page or comment on Facebook at Country Mornings With Ayla Brown
June brought us some interesting stories. A woman who dug up her neighbor’s flowers because she felt they were the “wrong color”. Another woman who punished her father for being late for her wedding by letting someone else walk her down the aisle. And a woman who broke off her engagement because her fiancé went to a strip club on his bachelor party. All this and much more happened in the month June on “Ask Ayla Brown” on Country 102.5
About Ayla Brown:
Up until three years ago. Ayla Brown had always been on the other side of the microphone, singing and performing all around the country and overseas for the American Troops.
In 2006, she was an American Idol finalist, then played college basketball in the ACC for Boston College, and in 2012, she had her Grand Ole Opry debut, and most recently in 2018, she sang at the Winter Olympics in South Korea.
Country music is in Ayla Brown’s soul. Not only does she sing about it, but she gets to talk about it every day on “Country Mornings with Ayla Brown” on Country 102.5!
1. I Replaced My Neighbors Flowers With My Own In Their Yard? Am I A Bad Person Because I Just Want The Neighborhood To Look “Tidy”?
Anna complained to her Home Owner’s Association because one of her neighbors wasn’t following the HOA flower policies and they got fined. She felt bad, so she removed their flowers and replaced them with her own. Now they have ripped out her flowers and replaced them with tacky garden gnomes to spite her. Anna swears she isn’t a Karen, but she just wants the neighborhood to look “tidy”. Do you think Ana is a “Karen” because she replaced her neighbors flowers with her own?
My Neighbors Planted The Wrong Color Flowers So I Dug Them Up And Replaced Them
2. My Father Was Late For My Wedding So I Did It Without Him
If your father was late for your wedding, would you start without him? Carissa’s father is chronically late for everything. When it came to her wedding, she told him that if he was late she was going to start without him. So when he was 20 minutes late, she had her uncle walk her down the aisle. Her father is devastated and now she feels guilty. But was she wrong?
3. The Strip Club Was Just The Tip Of The Iceberg! Miranda Follows Up With Even More Lies From Her Fiancé
Can you believe she uncovered more lies from her fiancé?
Miranda called in a few weeks ago about her fiancé lying to her about going to a strip club for his bachelor party. Now she has called back with a follow up after confronting him about it and it turns out they’ve called off the wedding. But is she over reacting? Or would taking him back just lead to even more lies from her fiancé?
Miranda Ended Her Engagement After The Strip Club Lies
4. My Sister-In-Law Charged $250 To Babysit My Kid For A Night, So Now I’m Charging Her To Borrow Books From Me
Nikki’s husband’s little sister charged them $250 to babysit her child even though she’s over the house all the time. She also borrows Nikki’s old books for college, so now Nikki is charging her $300 for the book she needs. Is she being petty or justified? How would you feel if a relative charged you to babysit your child?
5. My Daughter Gave THAT Woman A Hug At Graduation And I Just Can’t Get Past It. So I Skipped Her Graduation Party
Beth’s daughter walked off stage and gave a hug to her friend’s mom at graduation before she hugged her own mom. Beth Is annoyed because the friend’s mom used to be married to her husband and she is sick of having this woman in her life and social circle. She feels snubbed by her daughter so she skipped her own daughter’s graduation party. Would you skip your own child’s party over a hug at graduation?
My Daughter Hugged The One Person I Can’t Stand Before Me At Her Graduation
6. I Thought I Met My Dream Girl Until She Got So Drunk She Puked On Herself At The Walker Hayes Concert
Would you give a girl you just met another chance if she ended up getting so drunk she puked? Wes went with his boys to see Walker Hayes. When they were pregaming they met some girls and Wes really liked this one girl. They exchanged numbers and were texting through the show, but when they met up after she was black out drunk and puked all over herself. Now she’s texting him and clearly doesn’t remember throwing up. Wes is conflicted because he really liked her, but is the drinking too much of a red flag to look past?
The Girl I Really Like At The Walker Hays Show Puked All Over Herself
7. My Husband Left Me Stranded At The Train Station Because He Turned His Ringer Off Before Bed
Elise forgot her keys in her office and didn’t realize until she got off the train home from work at midnight. She called her husband to come pick her up for an hour, but he had turned his ringer off before bed. When she finally got home she woke him up to have a fight, but he doesn’t think he did anything wrong. Is Elise right that he should always be able to answer his phone when she calls, or is he justified in turning his ringer off before bed?
My Husband Left Me Stranded At A Train Station To Sleep
8. Should Ryan’s Fiancé Be Able To Make Him Go By Mallory, Even Though He Hates His Real First Name????
Ryan hates his first real name, but he has the same name as his fiancé. Now that they’re getting married she’s concerned about having the same legal name, so she wants him to go by his first name, Mallory. But he doesn’t want to go by what he thinks is a “girls name”. Should Ryan do what his fiancé wants even though he really hates his real first name? Or should he stand his ground?
9. My Wife Wants Her Sister And Two Kids To Stay With Us In Our Hotel Room During Our Vacation
Derek and his wife were going on vacation to Disney and decided to use their points to invite her sister and two kids along. They’re staying in a nicer place than the sister, so she asked if she and the kids could stay with them instead. Derek’s wife wants to say yes, but he doesn’t want his generous offer to ruin his vacation. If you were Derek, would you ever let your wife’s sister and two kids share your hotel room?
My Wife Wants Her Sister And Kids To Room With Us On Vacation
10. My New Boyfriend Gave Away My Leftover Red Snapper From My Favorite Restaurant And I Just Can’t Let It Go
Would you throw away the perfect guy if he gave away your Red Snapper?
Patricia brought her new boyfriend to meet her family at a fancy birthday dinner in the North End. Everyone loved him and it went great, until they went to leave. He called an Uber while she was saying goodbye and she handed him her leftover Red Snapper to hold. When she got in the car, he didn’t have her food. He said he didn’t ever eat leftovers so he gave it to a homeless person who asked him for money. This was Patricia’s favorite dish and she had intentionally saved it to enjoy at home. Now, she just can’t get past this even though everything else about him. is perfect.
Can You Believe My Boyfriend Gave Away My Birthday Red Snapper?
11. My Co-Worker Brings A Live Lobster To Work Every Day And Cooks It In The Office Kitchen, So I Let One Free
Chris has a co-worker who brings a live lobster with him to work every day and cooks it in the office kitchen. He got tired of seeing a live lobster in the fridge every morning, so he took it and set it free in the parking lot
I Stole My Co-Worker’s Lobster And Set It Free In The Parking Lot
12. My Girlfriend Cheated On Me With Her Oncologist
Curtis’s girlfriend had been going for cancer treatments for a year when he found out that she didn’t actually have cancer. She cheated on him and she faked having cancer to cover having an affair with an oncologist. But Curtis doesn’t want to break up with her. He still believes she’s the perfect girl for him and forgave her. But his family is refusing to let him take her back. Do you think Curtis should forgive his girlfriend for lying about having cancer and cheating on him with her oncologist? Or should he cut bait and move on?
13. My Friend Wants To Photoshop Another Girl’s Face Onto My Daughter In Her Wedding Photos
Maya’s friend is getting married this weekend and called to ask if she would bring her daughter. Apparently her sister will be late for the wedding and she is supposed to bring the flower girl. Since they are doing photos early, she wants Maya’s daughter to dress up as the flower girl so she can photoshop the other girls face onto her afterwards
You Want To Photoshop Another Girl’s Face On My Daughter In Your Wedding Pictures?
14. My Roommate Is Spending Hours In The Shower And Her Shower Obsession Is Going To Bankrupt Me
Rachel’s roommate went through a bad breakup a few months back. She wants to be supportive, but her roommate has taken to spending hours in the shower. She says it’s the only time her body feels good since her boyfriend left. But Rachel’s water bill is through the roof and she can’t afford it anymore. How can she be supportive without spending all her money?
My Roommate Says Her Body Only Feels Right If She Takes Hour Long Showers
15. I Work Hard To Make Lunch For My Husband Every Day. Can You Believe He Throws Out The Lunches I Make Him?
Susan was a stay at home mom who used to pack a nice lunch for her husband and son every day. Now that she’s gone back to work, she meal preps on Sundays for the week. But her husband says the lunches get stale so he’s been throwing out his Thursday and Friday lunches. Can you believe her husband throws out the lunches she makes for him?
16. Help!!! I’m Spending All My Money On Dating! What’s Wrong With Just Going On A Walk Around The Park?????
Is a walk around the park an acceptable thing to do for a date? Gary feels like he is spending too much money on dating, so he wants to know if it makes him cheap to take a girl on a date where they spend no money, but just walk around the park instead. I mean, Boston does have a lot of nice parks
Do I Really Have To Spend Money To Take A Woman Out On A First Date?
17. I Went On A Date With An Irish Man And He Seemed To Want To Talk To Everyone But Me
Michelle went on a date with an Irish man to a traditional Irish Pub. They got a pint and sat, but then he got up and started talking to people at other tables. Michelle is wondering if that’s just normal for a date in Ireland, or if her date just wasn’t that into her. Have you been on a date with an Irish man who was actually from Ireland? Is this what a date in Dublin is like?
My Irish Date Talked To Everyone At The Pub But Me
18. Doctor Rebound To The Rescue!!! But He’s Still In The Friend Zone?!?!?!
Lori went to a party where both of her recent exes were. One, who she calls Doctor Rebound, ended up helping her with a medical emergency. Should she give him another shot? Or should she just follow her initial feeling that he was just “Doctor Rebound”?
And Then Doctor Rebound Was Suddenly The Hero And Maybe I Shouldn't Have Broken Up With Him
19. I’m A Grown-Ass Man And My Wife Locks Up My Cell Phone So I Can’t Play Games
Dylan’s wife has a strict no cell phone policy for her kids at school and locks them away each day while they are in class. To prove her point, she has now taken to locking up her own phone and his as well. But Dylan is an adult and feels like if he wants to use his phone during the day he should be able to whenever he wants. Should Dylan just accept that his wife locks up his cell phone? Or should he take a stand and get his Candy Crush back?
20. “Mom Shaming” Is Never OK, But Its Especially Bad When My Kid’s Teacher Does It To Me
Stephanie packed a lunch for her son to take to school that included a bag of potato chips. When he came home, he had a note from the teacher saying that her son had shared his chips with another child. That child’s parents complained that he was eating junk food at school. So now Stephanie has been told that she needs to do better when choosing snacks for her son to take to school. Is Stephanie a bad mom for packing a lunch for her son that includes potato chips? Is “Mom Shaming” ever OK, especially from a teacher or another mother in your son’s class?
What’s Wrong With Giving My Son Potato Chips With His School Lunch?