Massachusetts High School To Play 900th Football Game This Friday – First Game Was In 1927!
The Chelmsford Lions played their first high school football game in 1927. 95 years later, this Friday night, they play their 900th game. Unfortunately the game will not be held at home but surely the town will make the trip to Lowell to cheer their program on during this momentous game.
Chelmsford’s 900th game will be played this Friday night at 7 p.m. at Cawley Stadium versus Lowell High School.
In 1927, when Chelmsford played their first football game, a loaf of bread was 12 cents. Now it’ll set you back $42.12. I kid… inflation joke. Ugg.
Anyway, to summarize: Congratulations Chelmsford High School!! Here’s to 900 more!
So Chelmsford High School are the Lions. But did you know there are some funky high school mascots in Massachusetts? Here are the TOP 10 Funkiest:
Top 10 Most Unique (And Therefore Best) Massachusetts High School Mascots
I love a good mascot. I love even more a bizarre mascot. The kind of mascot that when it runs out onto the court to rally the crowd you’re like “what the heck is that?” I personally love mascots so much I actually tried out to be a minor league baseball team’s mascot. I would have been The Lake Monster in Vermont had I not ended up as 1st runner up in the tryouts – I’m still bitter. Anyway – that makes me the perfect person to name the Top 10 Most Unique (And Therefore Best) Massachusetts High School Mascots. Also, in advance, I didn’t do a ton of research about the origin stories of these names so if I miss something obvious, forgive me, I just like fun mascots. OK, let’s go!
Jackson Blue has been on Boston airwaves for over 20 years. He is a foodie family person with a passion for having fun forever. Jackson likes to write about food, restaurants, Massachusetts and Boston happenings.