The McRib Is Coming Back For It’s “Farewell Tour” – Is this REALLY the end?
The Good News: The McRib is coming back! The Bad News: It looks like this is McRib’s swan song as McDonalds has dubbed the re-emerging McRib season as it’s farewell tour.
No further details have come out about what exactly the “farewell tour” entails but fast-food-doom-and-gloomers have passionately spread the sky is falling message that this is the final McRib season ever – spreading panic amongst the fake-rib-fanatics. But is it actually the cobb-smoked curtain call? I wouldn’t be so quick to assume that it is. Just like the Disney Vault – every animated classic eventually poked it’s head back out to be seen again on VHS (and cashed in on). There’s always one more Motley Crue farewell tour. Has Ric Flair wrestled his final pro-wrestling match? If money talks, Ric Flair walks. Motley Crue and Ric Flair eventually do have to stop – but the McRib can live f-o-r-e-v-e-r. And as long as the return creates a buzz and gets attention – therefore generating money – I’m sure we’ll see you in another 5 years or so McRib! Until then, it’s back in the Disney Vault with you – err, McDonald’s storage freezer.
The McRib came back to McDonalds locations in 2020 after a 7 year hiatus. While we’re talking about discontinued fast food menu items, how many of these do you remember??