Florida Georgia Line’s Tyler Hubbard And Wife Get One On One Time In Paris
Tyler Hubbard and his wife Hayley are expecting their second child, a boy, in the next few months (they already have a toddler girl named Olivia). But before the birth of their second child, the couple decided to take a trip to Paris.
As Hayley posted on Instagram, “Something we don’t do nearly enough: take a trip just the two of us. Whether it’s a staycation in our own city, camping/road tripping, or going all out and splurging on a big trip, reconnecting/connecting is something that I’m reminded is crucial in any relationship… even when I say, no we’re all good, let’s invite friends!
She continued, “We LOVE doing trips with our friends and our fam so much that it makes it hard for us to make time for just us, but it’s always so worth it when we do. As much as we miss Liv and sometimes we’ll say, “I wish so-and-so were here,” (because we always do), there’s nothing like having that one on one time together and laughing so hard we cry, exploring a new city (or language ) together, and having zero obligations but each other.”
-Nancy Brooks