Facing A Freaky Friday the 13th With A Full Moon!
The old Creedence Clearwater Revival song warned us,
“I see a bad moon a-rising
I see trouble on the way
I see earthquakes and lightnin’
I see bad times today”
But today, being Friday the 13th and facing a full moon rising could actually be a good thing! It’s definitely a rare thing, and I’ll take that as a good sign. According to experts, this full moon is 13 years in the making. And we don’t want to miss it because it won’t happen again until 2049!
Wait, there’s more… this week’s full moon (a harvest moon), on a Friday the 13th, will be the first of its kind since Carrie Underwood let “Jesus Take The Wheel.” The first since … Borat , and the first Tweet was sent. (2006)
Some of the freaky factor is removed by the fact that technically, here on the East Coast, the full moon won’t occur until after midnight at 12:33 am. However, if we were in the Central, Mountain and Pacific time zones, the full moon would hit us just before midnight!
Enjoy these Friday the 13th fun facts from Time And Date:
Have a nice day.