Carrie Underwood Gets Two Thanksgivings Each Year
Carrie Underwood knows she has a lot to be thankful for this holiday season.
Carrie told us, “My list of things I’m thankful for is too vast. First and foremost, my family. We had a baby earlier this year, which is crazy to think about all of the things that we’ve done and thinking about starting off this year pregnant and having a baby and all of the places that he’s already seen.”
She adds, “I’m thankful for health and we’ve had safety along all of our travels. Of course, I’m thankful for the tour and I’m thankful to the fans that have come out to see us. There’s a lot to be thankful for. God has blessed us with some incredible stuff and hopefully, we’ve done good with what we’ve been blessed with.”
As for what she and her family will be doing, she says, “We don’t have too many set-in-stone Thanksgiving traditions. I think it’s just about we eat. I eat a lot every year on Thanksgiving. [laughs] I never skip that tradition. But yeah, that’s the gist of it, and I’m kind of lucky. I get two Thanksgivings, because I also get to celebrate Canadian Thanksgiving with my husband’s family, so if I don’t hit one, I’ll definitely be able to get the other one.”