QUIZ Which Conversation Candy Heart Are You?
It’s not Valentine’s Day without Conversation Hearts!
These iconic candies actually got their start here in Boston at the New England Confectionery Company, or Necco. The Huffington Post reported that back in 1847 local pharmacist Oliver Chase invented the candy after wanting to make a machine to simplify the process of creating lozenges.
The inspiration for the sayings on these “motto lozenges” may have come from another Massachusetts resident Easter Howland, who is said to be the “Mother of the American Valentine.” According to Time, Valentines had been circulating around Europe, but Easter believed she could create cards that were less expensive and more sentimental.
From Love Bug to Hello Friend there’s one for every occasion. Take our quiz below to find out which Conversation Heart you are!
To learn more about the history of these sugary treats, click HERE.