I’m The Worst Parent Ever For Taking My Eyes Off My Child For A Second
I have a 20-month-old at home, and two days ago, I thought I was going to lose him forever. All because I was distracted. My palms are sweating just thinking about it, and I feel like the worst parent in the world.
Here’s what happened. My husband took out a section of our fence because we’re having some work done in our backyard. What I didn’t realize is that he did not put the fence back completely. There was a really big open space between our driveway and our backyard.
I let my dog, Brate, out to go to the bathroom and didn’t even think to myself, “Oh, the gate is completely open.”
About five minutes later my intuition kicked in. My dog hadn’t come back to the door yet. I looked in the backyard and he wasn’t there. Brate had escaped out of the open fence. I panicked.
I opened up the front door to tell my husband that the dog was no longer in the backyard but instead, somewhere roaming around the neighborhood or even worse, on the main road. As I’m telling my husband this, I look back at our house and my heart stopped. My son climbing down the back stairs and running towards the open pool.
I literally saw his life and my life flash before my eyes. You fear the worst when it comes to water and your child. You fear that he could have drowned and he could have died. Even though I am 9-months pregnant and can barely walk, I sprinted through the house like a lion in the Safari, out the backdoor, and grabbed my son and hugged him with all of my might.
Man did I learn a valuable lesson here. I took my eyes off of my son for a second because I was distracted by something else. In this case it was my dog who distracted me. And luckily we found the dog. He was fine and dandy and just taking a pee in someone else’s yard. But more importantly, our son was safe and alive.
But I’m not going to lie, I felt like the worst parent on the planet for even taking my eyes off my son for a second. He is everything to me and if something were to ever happen to him I’d never be able to forgive myself.
I’ll end with this. Parenting is a sport and it’s not easy all the time. In fact, some days it’s the most tiring thing your body and mind will ever go through! But on the flipside, being a parent is the most rewarding, incredible feeling in the world. It’s made me a more patient person, a better wife, and a more empathetic human. I am so grateful to be a mother.