Why Was Carrie Underwood Awake And Tweeting At 4:30 This Morning?
I wake up early in the morning, usually by 5:00, but Carrie has me trumped today. The mother to be (next month) was up long before the crack of dawn, tweeting!
What is keeping the Grammy Award winning superstar up?
Something every mother can relate to! And her message was delivered with conviction and humor.
Dear pregnancy insomnia,
— Carrie Underwood (@carrieunderwood) December 21, 2018
Please go bother someone else...like dads. Go bother dads. My husband sleeps so soundly and peacefully and I’ve been awake for 2 hours (so far). How is this fair? Imma lose my mind! 😩🤪🤯💩
Nothing could be more true! Our body clocks prepare us for child birth in the cruelest ways. Next month Carrie will be up feeding her baby at all hours, so her internal clocking is obviously working. And when her baby boy is here, crying to be fed, I’m betting that her handsome hockey hubby, Mike Fisher, will be right there… sleeping soundly. Thanks for this morning shot of candid comic relief, Carrie.
But WAIT, there’s more. Not long after posting this, Carrie was back on Twitter!
Worst part about insomnia = waking up this morning to see what I bought online while I was up. I just realized I spent over $600 on make up. 🤦♀️ #SeemedLikeAGoodIdeaAtTheTime #HelpMe #TakeAwayMyShoppingApps#ButThereWasASale
— Carrie Underwood (@carrieunderwood) December 21, 2018