‘Black Panther’ Sequel to Film Scenes at MIT This Weekend
“Black Panther: Wakanda Forever,” the sequel to Disney’s original “Black Panther” movie, is set to film scenes this weekend at MIT, according to Inverse.com.
The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) recently informed members of its community via email that filming will take place later this week, from Friday, August 20 to Monday, August 23. The project is being referred to as “Summer Break.” Filming will mainly take place around MIT’s West Campus and will include overnight driving scenes that follow a fleet of vehicles as they drive around the campus. It will also include a scene filmed outside Stratton Student Center near the Kresge Oval, and a daytime scene by the front entrance of Simmons Hall, according to Boston.com.
The star of the first “Black Panther,” Chadwick Boseman, died of cancer at the age of 43 last August. According to several reports, Boseman’s death delayed filming of the sequel and pushed back the film’s expected release date to July 8, 2022.
BLACK PANTHER: WAKANDA FOREVER is set to film multiple scenes at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) THIS weekend!
— Black Panther News (@bpanthernews) August 16, 2021
The filming will primarily consist of overnight driving scenes as well as a daytime scene at Simmons Hall (a student dorm)!
(via: @MsLizzieHill) pic.twitter.com/IS63pPDORE